First Cause of the Universe
By definition, the First Cause of the Universe could not itself have had or needed a previous cause.
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First Cause of the Universe
By definition, the First Cause of the Universe could not itself have had or needed a previous cause.
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Jewish Survival
The Survival of the Jewish People throughout history is a living example of modern miracles.
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Treatment of the Jews
The Treatment of the JEws has served as one of humanity’s moral barometers. Jew-haters begin with Jews but never end with Jews.
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False Claims
While masses of people may accept a claim with no evidence, they will never accept a claim they know is false.
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G-d’s Chosen People
The Jew’s are G-d’s chosen people, and the author of the Torah had clear knowledge and control of all of history.
Making sense of the Holocaust
It is important to recognize from the outset the limitations of what is possible to accomplish in a discussion on the Holocaust. The most that we can hope to achieve is an intellectual framework of essential principles, not an emotional resolution. Our goal should be...
Women and the Mitzvot
Before discussing what the Torah says specifically about women, let's first see what it says about all Jews and the mitzvot. Almost all of the mitzvot are dependent on some factors. Some depend on time (like Shabbat and the holidays), some on place (such as the...
Rosh Hashanah – The beginning of the new year
Let's begin by thinking about some curious aspects of the High Holidays. We'll discuss three different questions and then try to resolve them with the help of our three clues. What is Rosh Hashanah all about? In addition to its meaning as the โhead of the yearโ, we...
Full Text of Viduy
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